Welcome to the PANS Pandemic Educational (PPE) Series 20/21

PANS will host a virtual seminar once every two months on the last Friday of the month at noon EST. We expect to have a vibrant discussion after the seminar.

PROUDLY SPONSORED BY STOELTING: Your source for Stereotaxic, Neuroscience and Behavior research instruments (https://www.stoeltingco.com/)

The fourth PPE-series event will be held on March 26, 12 noon – 2 pm EST and will feature:

Mini-symposium for young(ish) investigators

12-12:30 pm – Alejandro Lomniczi, OHSU, USA

Title: Unravelling the Role of Epigenetics in the Metabolic Control of Puberty

12:30-1:00 pm – Renata Frazão, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Title: Hormonal inputs to hypothalamic components of the HPG axis: Puzzle pieces.

1:00-1:30 pm – Kellie Breen Church, UC San Diego, USA

Title: Neural circuits controlling reproduction: implications for stress-activated pathways

1:30-2:00 pm – Claudio Perez-Leighton, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Title: Neuropeptides and control of food intake: GLP1, orexin and dynorphins.

Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81518595932


Professor Jon E. Levine

Director of the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center,

Professor, Department of Neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Estrogens, estrogen receptors and sexual behavior in primates: Is it all in our heads?

Damasia Becu-Villalobos

Senior Researcher
Institute of Biology and Experimental Medicine (IBYME)
National Research Council of Argentina


Our laboratory has worked for almost 20 years unraveling the regulation of the pituitary, both in normal physiology and in pathological states. We study the biochemical, physiological and molecular mechanisms that regulate pituitary function, and the effect of hormones at the central nervous system, in reproduction and metabolic control. One of our aims is to propose alternative therapies in dopamine agonist resistant prolactinomas. We work with two transgenic mouse models which lack the dopamine receptor D2, and with human samples of resistant prolactinomas. We also study the role of sexual differentiation of the hypothalamus in pituitary control, and its impact on GH regulation of hepatic sexual dimorphism. We have recently undertaken the study of the participation of the pituitary in pancreatic function, in particular, trying to understand the development of type 2 diabetes in antipsychotic treatments. Our laboratory also studies the role of the pituitary in milk production and parasite infection in dairy heifers in Argentine farms.

Title: “Prolactin in health and disease: metabolic actions at brain centers modifying pancreatic, adipose tissue and liver functions”.

Andrea C Gore

Professor College of Pharmacy,
Department of Psychology

Mildred Hajek Vacek and John Roman Vacek Chair in Pharmacology, in Honor of Professor C. C. Alber

Work in the Gore Laboratory focuses on the neuroendocrine control of reproduction, and connections among hormones, brain sexual differentiation, and behavior. Current research seeks to understand how prenatal exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors (EDCs) causes molecular epigenetic modifications and cellular changes to the developing hypothalamus and the manifestations of these effects later in life, and transgenerationally. We also have a longstanding interest in brain aging and menopause, and how hormones such estrogens affect molecular and cellular properties of the brain.